Management Systems

Alcohol & Other Drug Policy

RCCC Civil Contracting Pty Ltd is committed to a safe, healthy and productive workplace. We recognise the misuse of alcohol and other drugs may have a detrimental effect on individuals, the Company and on Company services. Misuse of alcohol and other drugs, (both legal and illegal) may contribute to health and safety risks and to workplace accidents which we aim to eliminate.

This Policy contains our mandatory requirements for all employees, contractors and visitors (workers) relating to alcohol and other drug use. Our primary focus is to ensure people are fit for work. To facilitate this, workers will receive education & awareness training on the effects of the misuse of Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD). Where an investigation however indicates that a breach of this Policy or the associated Procedure has occurred, action will be taken.

Any employee who considers they may have an AOD misuse issue is strongly encouraged to seek confidential advice and assistance. We can provide support through our Employee Assistance Program or by contacting the Human Resources Manager.

Workers who are taking prescribed or over the counter medication (OTC) which may affect their judgment or the safety of any person at the workplace must notify their Manager in writing prior to commencing work.

Alcohol is prohibited in the workplace. Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) must not be in excess of 0.00%. The only exception is if an authorised workplace function is being conducted in accordance with the AOD Procedure.

Illegal drugs are prohibited in the workplace, authorised events and in Company vehicles. If tested an individual must not test positive to any drug group.

For further detail refer to our Alcohol & Other Drug Procedure.

P. R. Curry
RCCC Civil Contractring Pty Ltd